Sunda Loris

The Sunda Slow Loris is one of three of slow loris, native to Southeast Asia. This slow moving strepsirrhine primate has large eyes that point forward, and ears that are small and nearly hidden in the fur. Its tail is a mere stump. They tend to be smaller than other Loris, for instance N. bengalensis, but larger than N. pygmaeus. The Sunda Loris is a diurnal and arboreal animal that prefers the tops of the trees. Its scientific name derives from Kukang, its common name in Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia. They are also commonly known as Malu-malu ("shy Kuskus", from the erroneous association with the Kuskus species). In Indonesia they are sometimes called "Bukang" or "Kalamasan". In Malaysia they are sometimes known as "Kongkang" or "Kera Duku" (Kera, macaque; Duku, fruit). In Borneo, they are called Tandaiandong (Dusun) or sesir (Sennah).

Range and habitat

Sunda Loris inhabit orchards, plantations, bamboo forests and also tropical rain forests in parts of the Malaysian peninsula, Thailand, and Java and Borneo islands in Indonesia.[4][6] There is also a population on N.c. menagensis on the Philippine Tawitawi Archipelago. N. c. coucang are found in Malaysia, Thailand, several Indonesian islands, and Singapore. N.c. menagensis is foundIdentification and behavior

Like other Slow lorises, N. coucang are arboreal and nocturnal primates, resting by day in the forks of trees, or in thick vegetation and feeding on fruit and insects by night. Unlike other Loris species, N. coucang remain in trees most of their lives: while N. bengalensis will often sleep on the ground, N. coucang sleep in a ball in branches or foliage. N. coucang prefer continuous canopy hardwood forests, but while found in similar forested surroundings, a 2007 report concluded that the exact habitats of N. javanicus and N. c. menagensis remain unknown.Adults live in overlapping ranges of 0.004 km² to 0.25 km². Apart from reproduction, N. coucang are largely solitary: one 1967 study recorded the most Slow Lorises ever seen together were six, and this was one female in estrus and five male suitors.


N. coucang consume tree sap, floral nectar, fruit, plant gums and arthropods.


Slow loris are polygamous and give birth to a single offspring with twins occurring rarely. Females reach puberty between the ages of 18 and 24 months, with males reaching puberty slightly earlier(Izard et al., 1988). Gestation period lasts between 180 days or 6 months. A single young is born (occasionally twins) after a gestation period. The young will remain with the mother for up to nine months while the males are territorial. The young have an expected lifespan about 12–14 years.


Slow Loris are threatened by loss of habitat as well as the pet trade. While trade in these animals is illegal, the slow moving Kukang can be found in pet markets in Indonesia and Brunei. Brunei authorities have a confiscation and rerelease program for animals found in markets at Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park



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